Types of Security System

Which is the ideal burglar alarm system for me?

Remote keypadThe ideal system is one that has been designed specifically for you by our surveyors during the survey and security risk assessment visit.

It may be that a relatively basic “bells” only audible system is sufficient or due to the type of property and value of the risk a fully monitored DD8243 compliant system is essential. If your insurers have insisted on an alarm then it must meet or exceed the requirements they have stipulated.

Our job is to ensure that you have the most appropriate system available without losing sight that you are the customer and that it’s your property we have been invited to secure.

All professionally fitted systems must now be installed to European standard EN50131 of which PD662:2010 is the UK interpretation of that standard.

This standard requires each property to be assessed for the risk of intrusion and burglary based on a number of factors such as the crime rate in the area, the physical security of the property and the contents to be protected. From this, our surveyors will offer their view on which grade of system should ideally be installed which will fall into either grade 2 or 3 with a sub division applied for the type of signalling recommended.

Need help and advice? Call our team on 01256 477472

The following brief guides outline the various types of system you might encounter in your search for the ideal security system.

Wired or Wireless?

This is the first decision you will have to consider. If a commercial or high risk residential property then wired is still the preferred option available, especially with Grade 3 systems. For medium to lower risk commercial and the vast majority of residential properties requiring grade 2 systems, wireless is a very viable option and pretty much the default request of customers.

Traditionally, alarm systems have been wired although wireless systems have been around for many years. Frequently available as DIY systems, they were best noted for their general unreliability and hunger for frequent battery change. Today’s systems however are a far cry from the systems of old with reliability on par with wired systems and a battery life which instead of 6 months, can now reach 3 years or more depending on usage.

With many wireless and hybrid systems (systems which combine both wired and wireless devices) now available Care Guard have selected a range of equipment from highly reputable manufacturers whose products are well proven and reliable, indeed we have used these manufacturers for many years and are confident they will deliver.

Control panels such as the Pyronix ENFORCER PANEL, and Texecom Elite Live Panel provide the basis for fully wireless only systems. Both Manufacturers provide options for hybrid systems which give the opportunity to use a selection of devices which are not currently available as wireless models alongside wire free detectors such as the Tri-Tech TMD15 confirmation devices for remote monitored systems. These hybrid systems are also ideal for installations that need to be upgraded but which can still use the original wiring infrastructure to key pads, sounders and existing detectors etc.

Other benefits of wireless systems include ease and speed of installation and whilst there is still a fair amount of work involved in fitting a quality wireless system to the applicable standards, there is no doubt that radio has “come of age” with a faster install time and lack of disruption.

Hybrid options are available with our Castle and Premier panel options detailed below.

Audible or “bells” only systems (Grade 2X)

These are exactly as the description implies, a system comprising of a suitable control panel, a number of detection devices with audible warning devices fitted both inside and outside the premises to instantly alert you, your neighbours and the intruder themselves that the alarm has been tripped.

Audible only systems are the most common type of alarm fitted as they provide excellent protection for a much lower outlay than monitored systems. The sudden loud sound of the external alarm encourages the intruder to vacate the scene of their crime in case they are observed or caught in the act.

The control panel required is normally less expensive than for a monitored system as the features and function required are less extensive than a control panel designed to accommodate a remote signalling device.

Typical of these types of control panel are the Castle Euromini control panels shown here.

Fitted with a combination of quality passive infra-red detectors movement detectors, contact switches and other devices as required, they provide an excellent reliable, easy to use system and at a surprising competitive price. As with all of our systems a comprehensive minimum 12 month warranty and service package is provided free of charge, extendable with an on-going service contract.

To find out more contact us or give us a call on 01256 477472.

Audible Plus Systems (Grade 2X & 2B Key holder response systems)

This term best describes those systems that fit between an audible only system and a DD8243 compliant fully monitored system designed to summon assistance from the Police.

These control panels have the capability to communicate remotely by sending either a text message to a number of mobile telephones, a pre-recorded voice message from an automatic dialler or using our low cost key-holder only monitoring service via a digital communicator to our 24 hour alarm receiving centre who will contact your key holder by telephone to advise them of the alarm activation. With any of these options you are not permitted to contact the Police until after a key-holder has attended the premises to verify that the activation is due to a genuine break-in, but they provide you with the ability to know what is happening with your alarm when away from the building.

With a more sophisticated level of control panel being required to meet the needs of the communications equipment above, the solution is found in our Premier Elite systems as well as the wireless Enforcer system.

The Premier Elite range are an absolutely superb control panel offering many functions and features including remote programming, testing and historical log retrieval via a telephone line to our office and smart phone operation.

The Premier Elite panels are available in different sizes from 12 circuits up to the Premier Elite 640 with 640 circuit capacity although the smaller range are suitable for all but the largest of domestic dwellings and most small to medium sized commercial premises.

To find out more contact us or give us a call on 01256 477472.

Fully Monitored BS EN50131/PD6662 & DD8243 Compliant Systems

When the risk is sufficiently high or for your peace of mind, we can provide a fully monitored system linked to our alarm receiving centre or ARC who after carrying out checks for false alarms will contact the Police to request an officer attends the premises.

Due to the requirements of BS EN50131/PD6662:2010 and DD8243 the signal has to be “confirmed” and although we can offer both Visual and Audible confirmation technologies, by far the most effective and reliable is the Sequential signalling system favoured by the majority of alarm system providers and insurers.

Sequential signalling is achieved when an “unconfirmed” or initial signal is generated by the activation of a detection device followed by a secondary “confirmed” signal from another device within a period of 60 minutes. On receipt of the unconfirmed signal the key holders are informed and in the event of the confirmation signal being sent the Police are additionally called.

To ensure that both signals are transmitted in the event of an attack on the telephone lines, the telephone line signalling path is backed up with a wireless or radio signalling path using one of the following products:- DualCom GPRS, DualCom Plus. RedCare GSM or RedCare’s latest signalling service, RedCare Secure 2 and 3.

The process of installing a system to the exacting standards of DD8243 is more complex than is briefly mentioned above and full details will be provided by the surveyor and in our comprehensive system specification which will be forwarded following the survey visit.

To meet the requirements of a DD8243 system only the best quality equipment will suffice which is provided in the form of the complete Premier Elite range of control panels from the Premier 24 up to the powerful Premier Elite 640. Features available include area setting options, multiple user’s codes and extensive historical log facilities. Additional keypads can be added which are available in a number of formats including extra-large LCD readout and flush fitting versions. All have up/download capabilities.

Other Equipment

No control panel can function without a range of detection and warning devices.

At Care Guard, our aim is to provide a reliable and false alarm free system. Whilst neither our customers or ourselves are naive enough to believe claims of totally false alarm free systems, we do believe that by a combination of quality equipment and a careful design and build approach, we can and have achieved a false alarm free rate as close to that magical 100% as can currently be achieved and in the unlikely event that your system should false alarm, we will deal with this promptly and efficiently to ensure you do not lose confidence in your investment.

Only by using quality equipment can we make this claim of which a sample is detailed below:-

Need help and advice? Call our team on 01256 477472

External Sounder

External sounder alarmThe purpose of the external sounder is firstly to provide a deterrent to any would be intruder or burglar that the premises has been protected by a professionally installed system. This is your first line of defence as most burglars will move on to a less challenging property, one without an alarm system! Secondly if the intruder or burglar should attempt to gain access, as soon as one of the detection devices is triggered the control panel activates the sounder and strobe light simultaneously, giving a high decibel siren and powerful flashing light. Sounders are tamper protected and have their own standby battery should the cable be cut between the sounder and the control panel. All installations are fitted with at least one external sounder or “bell box” to provide a clear and unambiguous indication of the alarm activation.

Passive Infra-Red (PIR) Movement Detectors

Passive Infra-Red (PIR) Movement DetectorsThese devices detect a moving source of infra-red emissions given off by a body crossing the field of view of the detector, or by a rapidly changing heat source in the range of the detector. If sufficiently large, the detector will signal an alarm activation to the control panel.

Combined PIR and Microwave Movement Detectors

Similar to PIR’s, these detectors commonly known as dual-technology detectors are used when the environment is too hostile for a standard PIR.

Both our “Prestige” PIR’s and Dualtechs have the same case which makes the requirement for one of each detector to be fitted in the same room in a high security installation much more ascetically pleasing.

Shock Detectors

Impact sensorShock detectors in HookThese small devices use a seismic or vibration detector to sense an intruder using force to enter a premises through a locked door or window. Fitting these to the complete perimeter of for example, a domestic property, can enable to occupants free and unrestricted movement within the property whilst maintaining the integrity of the secured premises.

Glass Break Detectors

As the name implies, these sensors can detect the frequency of glass being broken and like the shock detectors above will normally activate the alarm before full entry is achieved by the intruder.

Door Switches (Contacts)

The simplest, yet one of the best detection devices, the humble door contact has been available since the very first alarms were fitted and still have a major part to play in the protection of property. When fitted to a door, the contact will signal to the control panel when that door is opened, either as a positive signal for entry/exit purposes or as an immediate alarm depending on the purpose required.

To find out more contact us or give us a call on 01256 477472.

Panic or Personal Attack Buttons

Designed to activate the alarm regardless of whether set or unset, these devices are used to summon assistance or let others know that all is not well within the premises. With police attended systems, activation will send a special duress code via the monitoring or alarm receiving centre (ARC). Generally incorporated into the remote keypad, wired stand alone buttons are still available.

Smoke and Carbon-Monoxide Detectors

These detectors can be added to an intruder alarm system to give added protection to the occupants of the property, sounding an alarm and where connected to remote signalling, forwarding the call to the ARC or other third parties as appropriate.

Maintenance and Service

We provide a comprehensive service and maintenance program on all new systems as well as offering servicing and upgrades to older systems whether installed by ourselves or other professional companies who no longer look after that system.

Bells only systems are maintained once per year whilst monitored systems using police approved alarm receiving centres have to be serviced twice annually. Rather than one of the visits being remote, i.e. carried out over a PC link, we believe that if you’ve paid for a service contract, the least we can do is to send out an engineer to ensure all is well. Whilst remote testing has its place, we believe it’s better to be “safe than sorry” and actually ensure the detectors haven’t been partially blocked or the contact isn’t damaged.

Not having a system regularly maintained can not only result in faults and false alarms occurring but can lead to further damage to the systems as demonstrated in the picture of the battery below and resulted in the customer having to have a complete new system. It may also be a requirement of your insurance to have a maintenance contract. Usually part or all of the cost of the service contract can be offset by a reduction in your contents insurance policy as our systems are recognised by insurers and underwriters.

Your service contract will also cover the majority of calls outs in the unlikely event of a system problem or failure and ensure prompt attendance when needed.

Costs for servicing and maintenance vary depending on the type and size of the system, however we believe our prices to be fair and competitive.
Need help and advice? Call our team on 01256 477472

Comprehensive Plans for New and Existing Systems

Alarm servicingWe provide a comprehensive service and maintenance program on all new systems as well as offering servicing and upgrades to older systems whether installed by ourselves or other professional companies who no longer look after that system.

Bells only systems are maintained once per year whilst monitored systems using police approved alarm receiving centres have to be serviced twice annually.

Not having a system regularly maintained can not only result in faults and false alarms occurring but can lead to further damage to the systems. Old batteries can potentially overheat as well as compromise the system so a service will give you peace of mind that the alarm continues to be safe.

Regular maintenance is the best way to ensure optimum performance, detect problems so that they can be resolved before they become more serious (and expensive to repair), ensure that you continue to protect your property and, where appropriate, adhere to the terms of your buildings and contents insurance.

Usually part or all of the cost of the service contract can be offset by a reduction in your contents insurance policy as our systems are recognised by insurers and underwriters.

Need help and advice? Give Care Guard Security a call on 01256 477472.

Burglar Alarm Servicing

Care Guard cover the whole of the Basingstoke and surrounding areas so we can assure you of fast efficient service.

We can offer maintenance contracts on existing alarm systems, regardless of whether they were installed by us or others. Intruder alarm systems that are maintained in this way are much less likely to fail but on the rare occasion that they do we also offer a comprehensive alarm repair service.

We pride ourselves on the service levels that we offer so you’ll always know when we’re due in and that we’ll complete all servicing in a timely and efficient manner.

Your regular services will be scheduled in advance by us so you don’t need to remember when they’re due; you really can leave it all up to us.

Intruder Alarm Maintenance Packages

Our service doesn’t stop with the installation, once the system is installed we will maintain it for as long as you wish or, if a police response system, for the duration of the monitoring period as applicable to the EN standards.

Audible only or key holder response systems are maintained annually whilst police response systems require a service visit every 6 months. Some companies offer a “remote” service for police response system where your alarm system is connected remotely to an office PC and some of the required tests done without an engineer being present. Invariably this remote test is still charged for in some way and whilst it will meet the minimum standard of tests required, it cannot take the place of a skilled and diligent engineer who will test the system far more extensively, both physically and visually to ensure no deterioration of the system has taken place or items partially obscuring detectors etc.

Whilst under a service agreement, should you need an engineers attendance, the majority of calls will be covered under the contract so will be non-chargeable. If a charge is applicable, service contract customers receive a discounted rate. For non contract customers, we will still attend requests for assistance but calls will be chargeable and contract customers will have priority.

As well as emergency call outs, the benefits are also provided for those with a service contact:

  • Support available 24-hours a day, 365 days a year (service contract customers)
  • Parts warranty – up to 5 years with a continuous contract from new (excludes consumables)
  • Scheduled service visits
  • Prompt call-out times for service contract customers
  • Helpdesk support
  • Remote reset via alarm receiving centre
  • Engineer’s report supplied for your records
  • Remote intruder and security alarm
  • Maintenance

Although as stated above it is not our policy to conduct planned routine maintenance, If a suitable security alarm is connected to a telephone line, we have the facilities to carry out remote status monitoring and diagnostics. This means problems can be identified quickly and we can determine whether an engineer’s visit is required.

For further information on home intruder alarm maintenance and the full range of intruder and burglar alarm systems and services that we offer please contact us.

Need help and advice? Give Care Guard Security a call on 01256 477472.

Fully Insured Qualified and Experienced Quality ServiceCompetitive PricingTrusted Provider

Why Use Care Guard for Types of Security System?

Established in 1984 as R.I.C. Alarms, we changed our name and became a limited company in 1989, achieving NSI/NACOSS standard in 1996 having previously been a member of the SSAIB achieving their “Certificate of Merit” for many years.

We have well over 100 years combined experience, initially working predominately within the new housing sector for both small and national developers across the south of England. In fact we were one of the very first companies in the UK and certainly the South, to bring affordable systems to the new build housing market as part of the standard home specification. Previously this would have been a retro fit extra and then for only the more exclusive homes.

From this beginning, we diversified into general residential, commercial, industrial & specialist properties and projects across Basingstoke, installing, maintaining and servicing all types of electronic property security.

Our direct employed, fully vetted engineers receive extensive training before being allowed to work unsupervised in your property. We carry full insurance for your added security and peace of mind.

Expert Types of Security System company in Basingstoke Experienced Types of Security System company in Basingstoke

NSI Approved

NSI Approved Security Systems Installers in Basingstoke

We are NSI (NACOSS) GOLD APPROVED and ISO9002 Quality Accredited for intruder alarms, CCTV and access control systems. This will ensure you have total peace of mind that the service we provide is to the highest possible standards.

Whatever your requirements, we can design and install a system to suit your needs and budget
For help and advice call our team on 01256 477472